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    Christians - you light the world!!

views: 2041 | dimensions: 609x461px/65.4Kb
date: 02.11.2011 | tags: you light the world!!, People, Christians, Bible|
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1 Rajeev  
0 Spam
It's interesting that you ask this beucase this summer I was asked the same question, but in this way, "You don't read out of the NIV do you?" When I said yes, I was told of all the ways the NIV was not a good translation and in how many ways it offended the person asking me this quesiton. Then, she asked me what I thought about what she had said. And I said, "Are you sure you want to know?" She said she did. I said, "I think it's a bunch of baloney and that some people just like getting worked up about things. And I think you're making more out of it then there is to make." I honestly said it out of love and I do love this person. But it did kind of make me chuckle a little bit to know it was such a big deal to her.

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