(Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_International_Version). Read by Max McLean (Http://www.listenersbible.com/about_max/max_mclean). Total time - about 75 hours. Sample: http://ifile.it/8dh3vwu (486 kb) Additional Information: Principles of translation:
The core group consisted of 15 translators Scholars for the Study of the Bible. The translation was made for 10 years and in his course was attended by some 100 participants from USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, belonging to 20 different denominations such as Baptists, Evangelicals, Methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans, etc. . The purpose of translation was to make an accurate and pleasing to read translation, which was halfway between a formal equivalent (which is usually referred to as "literal" or "literal translation") and the dynamic equivalent (which is usually called a "transfer value" or "thoughts" .) As the original Old Testament was used Biblia Hebraica Masoretic Hebrew Text. Also used the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritans Pentateuch translation of L'Aquila of Sinope, and Simmaka Evionitskogo Teodotiona, as well as the Vulgate, Peshitta, Aramaic Targums, and the Psalms translated into Latin Juxta Hebraica, made by Jerome. As the original New Testament was used by New Testament Nestle-Alanda. Recent discoveries in archeology and linguistics have been a great help in understanding the passages traditionally poorly amenable to translation. When translating proper names and geographical names has been retained to conventional spelling. Total circulation According to Zondervan Publishing House, which published the NIV, this translation became the most popular modern translation of the Bible into English, 215 million copies of which have been sold worldwide. It is especially popular among American evangelical Christians, and among the ten best-selling versions of the Bible.